Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bison Burger! YUM!

Okay so I made this about a year ago. If you are viewing this blog I appreciate your patience. I'm still trying to figure this out. Being grain free means NO BUNS! Burgers are hard with no buns. I learned that I had to throw away my idea of what a traditional burger is and make what ever I want! I was fortunate enough to get my hands on some grassfed ground bison. This is what I did with it:

1 lb of bison
1 egg
1/4 -1/2 cup almond meal (binds the egg and meat together better and stretches the 1 lb of beef)
Handful baby spinach chopped
Sea salt, Pepper, Italian seasonings to taste

~Hand Mix all together in a bowl
~Split into 4 or 6 patties
~Heat grill pan heated on medium with melted grassfed butter or lightly coated in olive oil.
~When the pan is hot seer your burgers and cook 5-10 minutes on each side depending on how thick they are and how done you want them. Just check the centers when it seems brown enough on the outside. Grassfed meat tends to have a little bit of a pink hue and is juicer. I like my meat cooked medium. :)
Then lay the patty on a bed of baby spinach. Top it with fresh sliced avocado, tomato, and grated Parmesan if you wish. Then DESTROY that burger! It's a party in you mouth. :)